Every year, the big department store put up their Xmas displays earlier and earlier. It's enough to make you groan. Also groan-inducing is when you start to hear Michael Buble's or Mariah Carey's Christmas tunes played on the radio during November. And then there's putting up with those annoying individuals who just cannot hold themselves back from getting into the Christmas spirit way too early! You know the ones we mean, the people with their Christmas lights up while everyone else is still trick-or-treating. These people make the rest of us fell super uncomfortable! Here we have 11 times that Christmas came way too early, check it out!
Oh. My. God.

Remember this, folks!

It's bad enough that 'Coca Cola' are into the Christmas spirit in November, but who does this chick think she is painting her nails all festive when it's miles away!

So very sad!

More people need to understand this!



This person was disgusted to find this in their fridge in November!

This is wrong on so many levels… but what's worst is that it was said on November 1st! Why?

Owning a reindeer is pretty extreme, at any time of the year.

Presents wrapped and ready to go in November. And, they're all the same! Pathetic.

Source: 1