Valentine's Day is getting more and more commercial. Florists, jewelry stores and gift shops have a field day as people feel the pressure to spend. Yet sometimes the most well-received gift isn't necessarily the one that cost the most. Gifts that are made at home can often be said to contain a more loving gesture. After all, it's the thought that counts. Check out these 14 creative DIY Valentine's Day gift ideas and see if there's not something appropriate for your loved one!
Gamer survival pack. With everything a gaming fan might need for a heavy session.

Personalized Valentine's Day coupons. So easy to make and perfect for giving…whatever you feel like, from a massage to a night out.

Bacon roses. Mmmm…bacon.

Organized date night ideas for the year.

Painted pallet of love.

'Open when' love letters.

Valentine's Day-themed beer.

Valentine's Day homemade donuts.

Photo blocks.

Funny chocolate love letter.

Box of mini-alcohols.

Heart mugs.

Love cards.

Date night in a box.

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