There are many rewards to being a parent, and one among them is getting to hear all the hilarious things that kids say. Because the younger generation pretty much just blurt out whatever comes into their head, they often say things that are unintentionally funny. If you don’t have any kids of your own to hear hilarious tidbits from, don’t worry, because one thing there’s not a shortage of on Twitter is moms and dads sharing some of the amusing things their children have said. So, check out thirteen of the funniest things kids have said to their parents!
Because that’s just what grown-ups do!

What? You don’t even get weekends off?!

Well, that’s a good point…

Aw. Poor mom!

If you don’t want us to be late, yell earlier!

Dad or kitten? Dad or kitten?! Tough choice!

It does kind of make sense when you think about it.

Maybe hipsters will be dressing as hamsters yet. Remember… you heard it here first!

Better get used to it…

A good rule to live your life by.

You can’t just decide to be evil.

Ermm… can we have something else instead?

The sibling every kid wants…

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