If you spent hours of your childhood pouring over Where's Wally books, you'll love this project from photographer and designer Andrew Knapp. Find Momo started out as an online project, but is now a book as well. The concept is fairly self-explanatory, look at a photo and find Momo in it. What makes it awesome is that Momo is an adorable dog who is very good at staying where she's told. Check out this project and see if you can spot Momo in each photo.
Website: Andrew Knapp
First off, meet Momo.

She is Knapp's best friend and collaborator.

Now let's take a look at the photos in which she's hidden. Can you spot her in all of them? Some are easier than others!

We think this is an awesome idea. It's fun to look for Momo in these photos, plus there are some incredible shots and some amazing scenery thrown in there, too!