
Baby Mop Onesie

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £1.00.

Teach them a good a work ethic while their young, with this baby mop onesie, you can save lots of time cleaning and let the baby do all the work!

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  1. Tracy Dawson

    Lauren Foley, Jade Dawson mop a floor baby 🙂 xxx.

  2. Tracy Dawson

    Lauren Foley, Jade Dawson mop a floor baby 🙂 xxx.

  3. Christine Forrest-Field

    hahahahha I have to invest in one of these…..child labor? not sure….but it would be entertaining….lOL.

    • Christine Forrest-Field

      TOOO FUNNY….

  4. Lisa Mills

    Get them helping young…..

  5. Lisa Mills

    Get them helping young…..

  6. Michelle Watt

    If only lol

  7. Scott JD Robertson


  8. Rachel Daubenmire


  9. Aaron Di Baron

    great idea

  10. Carrie Morrison Junek

    Genius! !

  11. Caz Berna

    love it haha.

  12. Madisyn Hart

    Gonna have to invest in 1 lol

  13. Princess and the Rock

    LOL! Should have gotten one of these when my children were still crawling!

  14. Donna Waugh

    Every baby should have one!

  15. Christina Marie Jayne

    Might as well get some work out of them while they're crawling around.

  16. Shriya Jasmine Madlani


    • Shriya Jasmine Madlani

      Vanessa 'Nessie' Irachande you'd do this to your babies

  17. Fanie Deschamps

    Good idea to help mommy clean!!! Start them young!!!! Lol

  18. Amy Maureen Sakowski

    omg wtf lol.

  19. Jaimee Williams

    Benjamin Dwojak Kitty Sue.

  20. Elizabeth Diamond

    This is so funny. 🙂

  21. Jackers Morgie


  22. Claire MickDunlavy Meneilly

    Haha so cute

  23. Claire MickDunlavy Meneilly

    Haha so cute

  24. Sarah Floyd

    Defo buyin lol

  25. Andy Henshaw

    Isn't that what babies were invented for…

  26. Ashley Lynn

    I need one of these

  27. Ashley Lynn

    I need one of these

    • MaryBeth Sears


    • MaryBeth Sears


  28. Amanda Robinson

    Why didn't I have this when mine were that small? 😉

  29. Courtney Thompson

    Brittany B Nielsen now crimson can help clean the house!

  30. Gena Froggatt

    Lol make them earn their keep?

  31. Jade Manktelow

    Start em young! Lol

  32. Mike Parris

    For that special parent who is too lazy to use a broom but would shell out 40 bucks and has no issue using their kid as a mop.

  33. Hannah McSawley

    Am buying a couple and sending them to friends…!

    • Hannah McSawley

      Julie Dandeneault am thinking of you!

  34. Dizzy Marley

    Oh yeah lol the way to roll! Lol

  35. Catisa Ash

    I want one!

  36. Robynne Freeman

    My child needs this…

  37. Gaynor Kerr

    Lmao want one.

  38. Sarah Livock

    Sooooo cute

  39. Sheldon Fonseca

    Child Labor at its initial stage 😀

  40. Deborah Dee Burton

    So cool!

  41. Dawn Richter


  42. Joshua Posler

    Wasn't this on an episode of Raising Hope?

  43. Ashley Horning

    Miranda Solideo

  44. Megan Naillon

    That is awesome!

  45. Dan Papia

    Stolen Chindogu.

  46. Joanne Hindle-Taylor

    I can't believe this is actually being sold! Shocking!

  47. Sarah Ball

    Wow new way to clean floor!

  48. Shannon Allen

    Lol thats to much!

  49. Ava McGill


  50. Deborah Rigby

    I want one lol

  51. Deborah Rigby

    I want one lol

  52. Melanie Hutchinson

    I need one of these!

  53. Melanie Hutchinson

    I need one of these!

  54. Martina Littarelli

    oooooooo viva la maternità………….

  55. William Webster

    awsome idea

  56. Niki Charelle Bruse

    Hmm.. I have a few baby showers coming up…..

    • Carolyn Ann Bruse

      hahaha you should buy Krystalee Jordan one!!

    • Krystalee Jordan

      Hell yeah!

    • Krystalee Jordan

      Hell yeah!

  57. Micah Renea Somerville-Gardner

    Ava must have one!!! Lol

  58. Micah Renea Somerville-Gardner

    Ava must have one!!! Lol

  59. Jamie Williams

    if only we had wooden flooring.

  60. Janice Kay

    child labour?

  61. Shelley Wright

    No more hoovers 🙂

  62. Lynn Ann Dunn

    next baby shower someone is getting this haha

  63. Alan Brunskill

    This should have been created years ago lol

  64. Anthony Perry Jr

    I'll take 2.

    • Jennifer Perry

      Lol!!! We need that!

  65. Anthony Perry Jr

    I'll take 2.

  66. Christine Hansen-Hendrickson

    Man I could have used this idea!!..something tells me my 16 and 12 year old wouldn't want to try this.

  67. Jessica Anne Pearce

    Ha ha ha one each of these for the new babies coming into the Pearce family awesome 🙂

  68. Jessica Anne Pearce

    Ha ha ha one each of these for the new babies coming into the Pearce family awesome 🙂

  69. Ellie Gibson

    This is what every mother needs for her child

  70. Barbara Groves

    Amy hughes and michelle coleman!!… be quite handy lol.xx

  71. Nat Corbet

    Wonder if Tom would like it…

    • Lionel Goodwin

      My youngest grandson has passed this and is now at the making a mess stage. His mum would have loved this.

  72. Nat Corbet

    Wonder if Tom would like it…

  73. Mary Vosk

    She might as well have a mop attached then!

  74. Ashlee Jade Pasalskyj

    Hahaha !! I want one

  75. Ashlee Jade Pasalskyj

    Hahaha !! I want one

    • Ashlee Jade Pasalskyj

      Melissa Bell Pasalskyj

    • Melissa Bell Pasalskyj

      Cool u will never have to mop again …

  76. Boston Nelson


  77. Rioghnach Doherty

    Ramona Parkes guess what Arthur is getting this Christmas!

  78. Jex Meow

    Vividya Basran Ryza Ney na bgs nie utk baby hahahah.

  79. Jennifer Stevens

    Kendra Ancil

  80. Twizted King Stoner

    this is awesome lol.

  81. Paige Turner Owens

    Pure genius!

  82. Paige Turner Owens

    Pure genius!

  83. Colin Terry

    I like this.

  84. Colin Terry

    I like this.

  85. Donna Reetz

    I so need these.

  86. Donna Reetz

    Need one!!!!

  87. Lori Ann Coty

    All babies should have one of these

  88. Lori Ann Coty

    All babies should have one of these

  89. Mike Lean

    Brilliant photo, great idea, really sad grammar and spelling.

  90. Kassy Marie Newman

    Funny but thinkin I dont want my baby covered in dirt

  91. Heidi Ramsbottom

    I want!!!

  92. Mike Kay

    Katie Gallagher, I think you need

  93. Mike Kay

    Katie Gallagher, I think you need

  94. Nicole Harrison

    I have got to buy this!!!

    • Nicole Harrison

      Megan Griffith, Kristy Bennett and Nick Harrison who saids they aren't too young to do chores

    • Nicole Harrison

      Sharon Dowdy, Nanette Henry, and Ricky Harrison gabby saids she wants one of these

  95. Kirsty Whitley

    Haha love it

  96. Jade Goddard

    So need 1 for Harley! Haha

  97. Jade Goddard

    So need 1 for Harley! Haha

  98. Sonia Sadiora

    wow great idea.

  99. Laura Swayne

    – They should have shown a photo of the bit when you dunk the child in floor cleaner and it's all soaked, crying, cold and flailing around :O

  100. David Santos

    So mess up lol

  101. Nancy Henry

    Put that kid to work!

  102. Ollie Twisty Reynolds


  103. Georgie-Ann Taylor


  104. Jeanette Theim Vexby

    Julie måske vi skal bestille et par stykker af de her? ;D

    • Julie Holme Kristensen

      ha ha det er da den bedste ide du har fået længe…..

  105. Jeanette Theim Vexby

    Julie måske vi skal bestille et par stykker af de her? ;D

  106. Michael Shannon Stephens Coil

    Jeanne, I'm just sayin… your a busy girl…

  107. Michael Shannon Stephens Coil

    Jeanne, I'm just sayin… your a busy girl…

  108. Amy McCowen

    seiously!! Wish I had floors that need polishing….lmao

  109. Mary Morgan

    Meghan Clark O'Neill Bria Caldera Steph Caldera Amy Morgan-Foster Nancy Thompson Maier.

  110. Mary Morgan

    And Kevin Clark just because you will appreciate this…

    • Nancy Thompson Maier

      I thought of the same thing for Buddy's paws…..Since he is the one to mess up my house. Ill buy one for Cecilia too 😉

  111. Sarah Prince-Beldam

    I need this. How funny. Can u make a hoover one too?

  112. Sonja Harrold

    For you, kay

  113. Carrie Brady

    I should totally get one of these lol

  114. Deb Brown

    This is hilarious!

  115. Gary Speirs

    Youve often thought about it….now someones made one. Brilliant!!!

  116. Angela Knott

    Like itttttt

    • Zoe Knott

      your not using my child to polish your floors … NO

  117. Sue Vowles

    Genius idea !!!!!

  118. Sue Vowles

    Genius idea !!!!!

  119. Jeremy Roe

    Haha, just imagine how you are going to wring it out…thats just wrong, but sooo funny

    • Emily Roe

      Ewww…Daddy I don't like that one bit!!!!

    • Sandy Roe

      I think it's a great way for you to help out your mom and dad around the house, Emily.

  120. Beth Jessica Appleton


  121. Laura Elizabeth Payne

    Am I the only one that knows they got this idea from a childrens show?

  122. Ellen Anderson

    Still not worth it to have a kid.

  123. Amie Young

    Hahaha!!! How cute

  124. Amie Young

    Hahaha!!! How cute

  125. Sheila Harper

    need me one of these lol x start her young xx.

  126. Kelly Kassal

    Haha, this is great

  127. Jeremy Strait

    Something we should've got years ago.

  128. Debbie Oliver Artist

    This is what you need Fish Pond 😀

  129. Shelley Fry

    This is horrible, but oh so funny!

  130. Kerry Joseph

    I need 4 of these in my life!

  131. Kerry Joseph

    I need 4 of these in my life!

    • David Joseph

      New business venture!! Become a childminder…plonk these on the kids then rent them out around the village!!! Must be quick though because someone might just copy that idea!!

    • Kerry Joseph

      hahaha! I like your thinking mr Joseph! Yes we best keep this idea under our caps…wouldn't want it to get out and have local competition 😉

    • Andy Joseph

      You don't fancy one for yourself then…lol x

  132. Pauline Haile


  133. Ella Bella

    Jarrod? Something for when your princess grows up a little?

  134. Carol Anne Stewart

    A helping hand to mums with crawling babies luv it xxx

  135. Carol Anne Stewart

    A helping hand to mums with crawling babies luv it xxx

  136. Michelle Brown

    haha brilliant

  137. Jennifer Petty

    sweet I need this

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