
Fingerprint Gun Safe

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £1.00.

Don’t just keep your gun a little bit safe — keep it completely locked down with the fingerprint gun safe. The fingerprint gun case only allows authorized fingerprints to access the safe, so you can store your guns without worry of unwanted use

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  1. Megan Renee Downs

    here's for you!

  2. Megan Renee Downs

    here's for you!

  3. Paula Elizabeth Thorburn

    I want this too.

  4. Mary Becker Hall

    n this too!

  5. Marwan Alayan

    Love the idea.. But what if it malfunction.

    • Eric Chop Hickson III

      Your dead if it malfunctions.

    • Eric Chop Hickson III

      Your dead if it malfunctions.

    • Danny Price

      its gotta have a back up keypad, password. i would gess something. if ur looking for a safe, i like the basic combination, with a key…..have you seen the eye retna lock, its in effect i seen one at somerset mall, and greatlakes crossing, an there was no backup, an its battery operated…..the store spy shop sells a light fixture, when you grab it and pull down, the light comes down and ur gun is right there, among whatever else you wanna hide.

    • Danny Price

      its gotta have a back up keypad, password. i would gess something. if ur looking for a safe, i like the basic combination, with a key…..have you seen the eye retna lock, its in effect i seen one at somerset mall, and greatlakes crossing, an there was no backup, an its battery operated…..the store spy shop sells a light fixture, when you grab it and pull down, the light comes down and ur gun is right there, among whatever else you wanna hide.

    • Danny Price

      geta catalog from them if they still have them

    • Danny Price

      geta catalog from them if they still have them

    • Marwan Alayan

      Danny Price..your right..!

    • Heather Harris Bergevin

      My REGULAR safe malfunctions, too…

    • Lloyd Griffith

      There is a key, too. Look at the site.

  6. Marwan Alayan

    Love the idea.. But what if it malfunction.

  7. Kalina Tatiana

    This would solve a lot of "problems".

  8. Jaimee Williams

    Gaye N Sauvager.

  9. Dustin Buchanan

    Look on the top guys, it has a place for a key. Common sense….

  10. Rich Heffernan III

    It doesn't actually use fingerprints. The little pads on the finger tip slots are buttons. It's more or less so you can put your whole hand over it and subtly hit a sequence of buttons that equals your combo. Of course there's a key slot if the battery dies. It is a nice safe though, I have one under my truck seat.

  11. April WishingonaStar Hartley

    Rodney you need this

  12. Henry Chinery

    This isn't the fingerprint version. That would be $319.00.

  13. Henry Chinery

    I have the one pictured. It works fine.

  14. Henry Chinery

  15. Joy Felkins

    My dad has this next to his bed. It is awesome. I'm buying one for sure.

  16. Joy Felkins

    My dad has this next to his bed. It is awesome. I'm buying one for sure.

    • James Lowe

      Holy crap, they used to be $250 when I bought mine

  17. Joy Felkins

    Works great for medications too

  18. Kendra Michelle Pullen

    I want this!

  19. Andy Fall

    If only I was a yank….

  20. Charlie Cowell

    company makes a safe that try's to trick people with a strange lock and it is complex to open, oh and there is a key slot just in case -.-

  21. Monique Unique Love


  22. Kristopher Klee

    whoever posted this is stupid this isent from this site and its basicly a combination lock not a fingerprint lock….

  23. Jack Fournier

    Well just cause it says fingerprint safe doesnt mean it's a "Fingerprint Scanner" you use the tips of the finger(s) to unlock it pressing each bottom correctly each time you twist the key

  24. Jack Fournier

    Well just cause it says fingerprint safe doesnt mean it's a "Fingerprint Scanner" you use the tips of the finger(s) to unlock it pressing each bottom correctly each time you twist the key

  25. Christy Flowers

    Sledge Hammer LOL.

  26. Jess Simpson

    Angela Sparks is this the same as a "gun rack"? PAHAHAHAH

  27. Mike Lyon

    No….with a gun "Rack" you have to sit your boobs on it……..

  28. Justin Sauceda

    I sooo want one!!

  29. Sara Louise Fernandes

    Tarsha just for you

  30. Gabbie Parry

    Love it it wud b even better if the gun came wiv it..LOL

  31. Al Wilson

    you grab the one under the mattress, or behind the door, or inside the pillow case, or……….

  32. Al Wilson

    you grab the one under the mattress, or behind the door, or inside the pillow case, or……….

  33. Zack McDowell

    how do you order and the price isn't showing up?

  34. Renpen Nonya

    I want one of these

  35. DJibz Houston

    I have that, its not finger print…

  36. DJibz Houston

    it has a key bottom left corner

  37. Stephanie Rodriguez

    well how does it work?

  38. Stephanie Rodriguez

    well how does it work?

  39. Sanjeev Nanjiani

    i probably should first find a gun then go for it

  40. Jose Jack Lozano

    Seems like a great gun case for a Vehicle!!

  41. Terrance Leaningtowardsthefuture White

    Perfect for a few friends I know…

  42. Alex Kitay

    Couldent you just steal the safe….

  43. Rote Fraser

    The buttons for each finger, you can create your own code to unlock it.

  44. David Horgan

    And you can keep your ultra high violent rate. That comes along with gun control.

  45. David Horgan

    And you can keep your ultra high violent rate. That comes along with gun control.

  46. Heather Fish

    I know of a few people that would love this!

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