Ever get sick and tired of people droning on about the good old days and how great they were? Take a look at these 13 crazy photos and you might actually agree that modern life is not all it’s cracked up to be! It’s not all bad though, as advances in technology have greatly improved our lives in recent times. Just take a look at the removable storage photo to see what we mean and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Remember when kids used to just be kids?

How George Lucas creates his movies.

Exercise routines certainly look very different nowadays!

Wow…just wow!

Justin Timberlake then and now. Which one do you prefer? Nice hair!

Buying music is instant nowadays but is it as fun as going to the record store?

Who misses their old ‘brick’ cell?

So true!

Yes, everything gets posted on social media nowadays. How did we ever manage to live without it?
Life is so hectic nowadays that many of us don’t ever actually ‘see’ our friends apart from on social media.

Where’s the fun in that??

When’s the last time you bought a magazine?

Don’t you miss those old classic games?
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