Seth Casteel is a NY and LA-based photographer best known for taking quirky underwater photos of gorgeous puppies and dogs. Perhaps it was a natural progression when he decided to base his most recent project on cute little babies underwater. He took an incredible 10,000 photos of over 750 swimming babies for his latest book titled "Underwater Babies."
If you're worried about the welfare of the babies who took part in the project, you have no need to be. All the little ones featured are involved in a program which aims to get them used to water and to know how to rescue themselves should a potential drowning incident occur. Amazingly, these babies can all hold their breath, float on their backs and kick their feet when underwater. Casteel hopes that his book will increase awareness of drowning being one of the biggest causes of deaths in kids between 1 and 4 in the U.S. It's a sobering thought. Thankfully the parents of the babies featured here are actively helping their babies know exactly how to handle themselves in water and it looks like those kids are loving every minute of it!
Website: SethCasteel

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