Have you ever heard of a liger? It's a massive animal that's half lion, half tiger. What about a zonkey? That's a cross between a zebra and a donkey. Or, how about a wholphin? A killer whale crossed with a bottlenose dolphin. Although they're very rare, particularly in the wild, many strange animal hybrids exist on this diverse and wonderful planet. The list you see below contains 16 totally real animal hybrids, no Photoshop tricks involved at all! Take a look!
Zubron (cow + European bison)

Mulard (mallard + Mucovy duck)

Cama (camel + llama)

Hinny (female donkey + male horse)

Zebroid (zebra + any other equine)

Beefalo (buffalo + cow)

Leopon (male leopard + female lion)

Wholphin (male killer whale + female bottlenose dolphin)

Savannah cat (domestic cat + serval)

Coywolf (coyote + wolf)

Grolar Bear (polar bear + brown bear)

Tigon (male tiger + female lion)

Geep (goat + sheep)

Jaglion (male jaguar + female lion)

Zonkey (zebra + donkey)

Liger (male lion + female tiger)

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