Ageing can be a touchy subject for anyone, but particularly women. The looming inevitability of wrinkles and sagging, along with the thought that beauty fades with age. However 59 year-old grandmother Yasmina Rossi is here to blow those notions out the park! Yasmina is a very successful fashion model working with brands such as 'Marks And Spencer', 'Hermes' and 'Macy's'. She assures the world there is no big secret to her youthful looks stating…
''All I have ever done is eat organic food – long before it became trendy. I take oil and use it on my skin: I put rapeseed oil on my hair. I scrub my skin once a week with olive oil and fine sugar. I eat an avocado a day and organic meat and fish.''
Check out Yasmina's website below to see some of her other works including her own photography. We could only dream to look this good at 59! Prepare to be in awe at her stunning photos below.
Website: YasminaRossi
