Usually, when you go to the store, you know what you want to get and you just ignore everything else. But, if there’s a really amusing or eye-catching sign or display, it will grab your attention and might make you drop some cash on something you never intended to buy. And, that’s basically the whole point of marketing: to make you purchase more. We might not like the sentiment behind it, but we can definitely appreciate a clever marketing idea! So, here are thirteen genius marketing ploys that will make you want to spend! Take a look!
Who doesn’t?!
They have a point, though!
If you’ve seen “The Martian,” you’ll understand.
Puns are so cheesy!
This is a great idea for winter.
When you’re looking for Mr. Ripe.
That’s one way to get people to pay attention to toilet paper.
Good use of Grumpy Cat here.
Every avocado-lover has experienced this moment!
Buy American!
We’re definitely in the mood for a nice loaf now!
The mugs of the beast.
404: Bedding not found.
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