We’re all raised to know that it’s the thought that counts when it comes to gifts and you should always be grateful that someone has been kind enough to give you something. However, this can be pretty hard when you receive something utterly terrible. It appears that some people have no shame when it comes to giving bad presents! Here we have a list of people revealing the worst gifts they have ever received. If only we had videos of the reactions! Take a look!
Website: Whisper
Well, they will come in handy for wiping the tears away (the tears caused by the terrible gift)!
How can anyone think it’s okay to give someone a dirty present?!
Unfortunate timing at its finest.
Sneaky! We wonder if this person decided to return the favor the following year?
How did the 10 year old children get their hands on such a thing?!
This probably isn’t the best way to get what you want!
Pretty terrible. At least they can be used unlike a few of the gifts on this list!
Keep Going To See More!
Outrageous. And, expired? It just gets worse and worse!
Sad times!
Seriously, why bother getting anything at all?!
Charming! Who doesn’t want to be compared to an abominable snowman?
What kind of spoon was it? Some people love spoons!
We’re all for second hand gifts at times but we don’t think we could use this!
Cheeky! It’s no wonder that some people hate having their birthdays close to Christmas time!