People love to flaunt their creativity to impress other people and their audiences love to see it! Letting our imaginations go wild and free is good. However, when creativity goes out of control, it can be terribly hilarious. Here are 15 funny photos showing creative people taking things to another level!
Are you sick and tired of the traditional Christmas tree? Why not turn it upside down for a new look?
Redefining flat-screen TV.
Hey, as long as it works!
Toy train tracks as Christmas decors? Why not?
Faucet, check! Hand soap, check! Hand dryer, check! Hey, where’s the sink?!
Because lazy people deserve something special.
Who says fidget spinners are useless?
This is actually clever.
Perfect fit!
Keep Going To See Even More Creative People!
Rock me sideways.
The perfect framework for disaster.
“My hotel room’s bath is lower than the floor level.”
There’s something eerie about this shelf.
A scarf made of socks. Would you buy one?
The faucet and the sink have a little misunderstanding.