All artists have a particular subject close to their hearts. Some creatives choose landscapes while some would like to make artworks based on people. Still, however, some artists choose specific subjects that give them a particular delight. Among them is Angela Moulton. She loves birds, hence her collection of bird art in the form of oil paintings.
Being a professional artist, Angela Moulton is inspired by both nature and color. She paints chickadees as well as barn swallows in bird portraits that all burst with color. In fact, Angela maintains a signature style in each of her oil paintings. All over, her bird art would feature thick brushstrokes, plus varying shades of color that all come together harmoniously.
Usually getting back and forth Illinois and Idaho, the Angela Moulton sells two forms of her art collection. One would be the original artwork, and the second would be prints of the bird art pieces. You can check them out online at Pratt Creek Art. Going by the same name, her YouTube channel also features in-progress videos of her bird oil paintings.
Apparently, Angela Moulton also paints other subjects, but birds dominate her art world. In fact, her bird art collection includes the best of her oil paintings. Interested? Then take a good look at all the 30 sample pieces below.
Source: Pratt Creek Art