Space is often a problem for many pet owners, especially those who have two or more fur babies. Although it’s certainly ideal to provide them with their own individual beds, it’s just impractical and impossible to do so with limited space. Well, that might not be the case anymore with this dog bunk bed.
Sold by Etsy store RockPaperSawzall, this bunk features two levels and a stair accent made of reclaimed wood. It measures approximately 37″ wide, 24″ deep, and 21″ high, making it a great option for large-size canines. However, if you plan on using it on smaller pooches, just be sure that they’re able to comfortably jump up to 21″ high.
The bed frame comes in standard black paint. But if you prefer another color, simply inform the seller of your request upon placing your order. You can purchase the bed frame on its own or avail of the complete package inclusive of two insert cushions. The cushions come in four varieties, namely gray, navy, sand, and striped.
This nifty dog bunk bed provides your fur babies with maximum comfort without compromising your personal space
Since the bed is made-to-order, do note that it might take the seller four to five weeks to ship out your order. The unit also requires minimal assembly for easier shipment and lower shipment cost.
Indeed, this pet bunk bed is a nifty solution to provide your fur babies with maximum comfort without compromising space. Likewise, it’s a great way to encourage them to play together and stay close to one another.
Best of all, by giving your pooches their own cozy spot, they’re less likely to invade your personal space. Now, everyone in the household can finally enjoy uninterrupted sleep, including your fur babies!