What is it with dads and their absolutely terrible cringe jokes? Think about it… every dad around has an arsenal of really bad jokes up his sleeve ready to use for any and every occasion. It’s weird, when we’re young we get so easily embarrassed by all sorts of stuff, dad jokes in particular. As we get older though, we’re finding that some of those very quips end up creeping into our own repertoire, damn! Take a look and prepare to groan loudly!
Cringy Dad Jokes
Why can’t you hear a Pterodactyl going to the bathroom?
Just like many of our parents, dinosaurs existed in their prime in ancient times. To cling onto those memories, sometimes dads will incorporate these very, very old and interesting creatures into their cringy material…
If attacked by a mob of clowns
We had to read it twice, but we will admit that this one tickled us. Dad jokes are either the best or the worst!
How do you take your coffee?
You can’t help but wince when your parents say something along these lines, especially in public places…
This bounce castle is twice the price of last year
When a dad gets a joke in their mind, something inside them means that it MUST be released. It doesn’t matter who’s around or how much you beg them not to, that cringe joke is coming out…
Why couldn’t the bike stand on its own?
Sometimes, if you can spot the early warning signs of a bad joke, you might be able to cover your ears in the nick of time. Others aren’t so lucky.
What’s Forrest Gumps favorite pasta?
We like this one and we love Forrest Gump!
How does Moses make coffee?
Ha. Ha. Slow clap. Ha. Ha…
Did you know you can’t play poker in the jungle?
We’ve heard this so many times, it has become somewhat painful to hear. Please, let this joke die out soon! It’s not a classic!
Is it just me?
Now, this one, we like. Go ahead people, refresh yourselves with the F5 button, you know you want to…
I am no cook
We can appreciate the humor here. But, we’re struggling to cope with the fact that the raw chicken is touching the TV remote! We hope the it was thoroughly cleaned before being handled again!
They built a hay maze over at the park
Sometimes it’s better to feel satisfied alone than having to hold back with someone!
Nose ring
Typical parenting joke. We bet moms and dads feel so cool when they do this. Meanwhile, their little bundles of joy are eternally eye rolling.
Did you get a hair cut?
These are the kind of cringe jokes that really get on our nerves! However, some people really enjoy this kind of humor. Though, we really can’t figure out why.
What did the hat say to the hat rack?
Somethings just shouldn’t be said out loud and this is definitely one of them. Get back in the brain you came from, terrible joke!
I’m serious
This joke seems to be a right of passage for all dads. It’s like, you must hear this joke at least 50 times in your entire life or something bad will happen!
How many south Americans
Be feared or loved?
Why are graveyards so noisy?
Why do crabs never give to charity?
What’s E.T. short for?
I am going to name my son Physics
I know it’s cheesy
A hippo and a zippo
I’m going to stand outside
Thanks dad for the iPad
I’ve always admired fishermen
How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
Did you hear about the scarecrow who won the award?
What’s red and smells like white paint?
You know why the old lady fell down the well?
Stop making me laugh
A pirates worst nightmare?
If you’re not part of the solution
I stayed up all night wondering where the sun had gone
When you have a bladder infection
Hey dad, do you know what a meme is?
I’m hip. I surf the web. I text.
Finally, if you struggle to cope with your dad’s jokes, know that you are not alone. Here we have a group of dad joke survivors that might provide you with some comfort…