If you’re someone who loves colorful combinations, are a perfectionist, or simply appreciate the neat and organised things in life, this post is for you! Visual artist Adam Hillman is wonderfully obsessed with all things that are aesthetically pleasing. He spends on average 2 hours coming up and compiling the most satisfying arrangements which he posts to his Instagram page. Each and every one of Adam’s ideas are easy on the eye and there’s no limit to the unique ways he achieves his end results. Take a look and enjoy!
Website: Instagram
A Lego minefield… we imagine some feet got hurt in the process of making this!

We’ll be right back… off to try this out!

As soon as we accomplished this, those m&m’s would have been devoured!

So satisfying!

Hopefully someone ate these bananas!

Painting a paintbrush… interesting.

The kind of army we would be happy to face!

Who fancies a game of Jenga, crayola style?

Hopefully the toast was still warm by the end of this creation!


We bet this was rather slippery and time consuming!

Taking organisation to a whole new level…

This would actually be really helpful for choosing the right colors to use.

A perfect color match!
