This home recently went on the market in a small town near Stockholm, Sweden. This doesn’t really seem like interesting news, but just wait until you see what’s hidden inside! When you look at this home from the outside, it appears completely innocuous. Just a normal Swedish home.
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It looks like a normal house for sale from the outside. Step inside and… OMG!

It’s got a nice little kitchen with a dining area…. oh, wait… what’s that on the wall?

That’s right, this home is a full-blown Alien vs. Predator shrine.

There’s even an awesome full-sized predator, who may or may not come with the house.

Oh, look! A mysterious door.

Where could it lead?

Only to an epic Alien vs. Predator home theater, of course!

Okay, so this isn’t exactly a home that suits everyone’s tastes, but we think it’s super awesome. You’d certainly have to be a big fan of both the Alien and Predator franchises to want to live here, though. We’d say bordering on obsessive. Still, it’s good to have an interest!
If you liked this post then you need to check out this next one:
It looks like a normal house for sale from the outside. Step inside and… OMG!