Pretty much each and every day we are faced with instructions and guidelines that are designed to help us out. There are many things, such as assembling furniture and taking medications, that some people would find difficult to complete without being told how. However, these helpful bits of information don’t have to be boring! Here we have some amusing instructions that go against the norm. Take a look and enjoy!
Amusing Instructions That Go Against The Norm
A really useful bit of information here…

You can either do it or you can’t… good luck!

This hand towel dispenser knows how many people work…

How not to use a fridge! You know, just in case you were confused.

How to use your new hat!

Too many accidents have been occurring due to people trying to put underwear on their heads, apparently.

Wow! Junk mail that you don’t immediately want to throw away…

Nothing wrong with standing out from the crowd!

‘Follow the printed instructions’… how exactly?!

This label knows how incapable some of us are…

These poses could increase (or decrease) your chances of gaining a fiance.

These instructions know that refreshing beverages are important.

Always read the label! You could end up making a catastrophic mistake…

These instructions tell you to put any leftover screws in the trash!