The magic of Photoshop never ends, as you can see from these amazing animal photos. While it’s true that the beauty of nature is incomparable to none, this beauty can still be intensified. But this requires adept skills in Photoshop in order to pull it off. And we found someone from France who can do this. Julien Tabet is a digital artist who has a passion for animal photography. His fascination with animal photos pushes him to get a little creative. With the use of Photoshop, he had created fantastical photos of animals like we’ve never seen before. This digital artist creates amazing animal photos with Photoshop. Get ready for a wonderful journey to a surreal paradise.
This could break all records for the cat’s longest tail. If only it was real…

Imagine if birds had antlers that hold their eggs until they hatch.

It’s a nice day to go shopping.

I need to do my business after all the shopping I did.

This can make a good movie poster with the title “Penguins in the City“.

A free ride on a fox? These birds are spoiled.

This made me grateful that koi fish are cute and small in real life. They are not that cute when they get this humongous.

Stunning animal pictures you wish were real
Very creative! Can we call this thing pineappowl?

I wonder if those meager wings can lift its weight up.

Who’s in for a ride up in the air?

So this is what causes a tsunami…

This polar bear has nothing to hide. We can see what’s going on inside its body.

Looks like a shedding of flaky skin during windy season.

That’s two animals living as one entity. Magnificent concept.