Having a bad day? Well, you’ll be glad to know that you’re not the only one who are having it rough. The truth is, animals also get in trouble and make mistakes. While it’s extremely common to stumble across people having a bad day, seeing our furry companions having the worst days of their lives is just hilarious as well.
Let’s face it, everyone has their own ups and downs. We all experience good days and bad days and that’s just how life works. Sometimes, we complain about our misfortunes in life. And sometimes, we prefer to keep it to ourselves to save us from humiliation. Nonetheless, we always find ways to get through a bad day and come out the other side. The same is true for animals. When our beloved companions are going through a rough day, they either just whine about it or handle it on their own.
“My Dog Ran Away, After Hours Of Looking I Came Home To This”

Like us, animals can also become anxious as a result of a stressful event. Hence, the effects of stress on an animal’s body are stunningly similar to that of humans. Surprisingly, members of the animal kingdom have better coping mechanisms to deal with stress. So, we can learn a thing or two from our furry companions on how to get through a very bad day and win over stress. And when our precious pets are involved, it’s a given that they do everything in a more adorable way. Even when they’re in a pickle, they still manage to look and behave adorably amusing.
“Sarah (Dog) Stole A Bite Of Stella’s Food And Stella Came Running To Me In The Kitchen To Complain About It.”

“This is Ralph. He heard a firework. Not sure if the world is ending but if it is he wanted to be with you.”

“A Memorial For The Squirrel That Ate Through A Wire That Canceled Classes For Two Days. It Was Paid For By The Undergrad Class.”

Take a look at these funny photos of animals having a very bad day. Knowing that these cute creatures can have a day much worse than us somehow makes us feel good about ourselves. So if you think nothing is going your way, remember that somewhere out there, a dog or a cat is having it harder than you.
“My Pitbull Always Thought He Was The Biggest Dog At The Dog Park.”

“I Had To Cut Down A Tree In My Yard And Now I Feel Bad.”

“My Buddy’s Dog Saw A Moose”

“I Think A Squirrel Fell Off My Roof”

“I Think My Dog Just Died A Little Bit On The Inside When I Didn’t Give Her The Last Bite Of My Burger.”

“So This Happened (Yes, I Rescued It)”

“Do You Think This Is Funny?”

“Our Dog Opened The Upstairs Screen Door And Followed Our Cat Onto The Roof. He Required Consoling Before Coming Back Inside.”

“We Actually Had To Help Him Down. Idiot”

“This Fat Fool Had To Be Rescued By Animal Control.”

“A Friend Left Her Dog At Home And Came Back To This. Oreo Apparently Found A Bag Of Charcoal And Played With It.”

“This Is Why You Shouldn’t Leave Your Kids Alone With The Dog”

“My Friends’ Cat Got Its Head Stuck In A Vase, Freaked Out, Broke The Vase, And Was Left With This.”

“My Dog’s Facial Expressions When I Didn’t Turn Towards The Dog Park”

“I Kicked Over My Cat’s Milk And Had No Replacement. He Sat Opposite Me As I Ate My Dinner Looking At Me Like This.”

“Just A Cat Falling Off A Table”

“Smile And Wave Boys”

“Someone called the police on my dog because he ran away and attacked a deer. And i know this is serious. But the sight of him in the cop car i’m alskdjfhsgh”

“This Is My Cat After Trying To Run Out The Door – Into A Wall Of Snow”

“My Friend’s Cat Had Surgery And Now He Has No Pants.”

“My Dog Managed To Get Into A Pack Of Frozen Fish Fillets. And He Would’ve Gotten Away With It If He Didn’t Get Stuck And Had To Come To Me For Help.”

“Bought A Couch From Craigslist, Heard Noises Coming From It After Bringing It Home. Cut It Open And Found A Cat”

“My Friend’s Dog Is Not Happy About Leaving The Dog Park Early”

“My Husband And I Can Officially Check ‘Pull A Balloon String Out Of A Cat’s Butthole At 11:30 At Night’ Off Our Bucket List. Finally”

“My Friend Took Her Cat To Get Fixed And His Face Shows Exactly His Thoughts About It.”

“Her Bowl Is In The Dishwasher”

“When You Love The Smell Of Bacon, But Get A Little Too Close To The Frying Pan On The Stove.”

“Dad Took Our Dog Archie For A Walk. When They Got Back Dad Went To Eat Breakfast. He came back outside afterwards to see Archie was ‘stuck’. His back foot was on the lead so it strained when he walked forward. So he was ‘trapped’.”

“My Cat Got Stuck Between The Glass Door And The Screen Door”

“So My Bird Was Stuck In My Bathroom.”

“I Had To Lock Her In The Dog Crate Because She Was Going To Break Something From Being Over Hyper. I Think She Hit Her Breaking Point.”

“My Dachshund Puppy Got Stuck In The Couch Cushions”

“Is This What People Mean When They Say Their Dog Is Broken? Asking For A Friend”

“Our Cat Steals And Hoards Bottle Caps. Found His Stash While Cleaning.”

“Just Another Day In Montana. Cat Chasing A Bear Out Of The Backyard”

“Just Thought I’d Check In On The Dogs”

“I Came In To Find My Tortoise Like This. Putting the clues together, it seems he pooped, got it stuck on his foot, ran in circles trying to get it off, and flipped over.”

“My Goat Broke His Trampoline And He’s Very Upset. Anyone Have A Small One For Cheap?”

“My Boyfriend Doesn’t Believe That His Cat Bullies Mine”

“My Friend’s Dog Ate A Bee”

“Let My Dog Out Into The Garden, Two Minutes Later I Hear Her Barking And Go Outside To See This.”

“Mistakes Were Made. The Dog Got Into The Weed Cookies. Money Was Spent. Doggo Is Fine. Owner Feels Dumb.”

“There Might Have Been Some Miscalculations In My Plan”

“Owner Used The Wrong Shampoo (It’s Hair Dye)”

“Doggy vs. Dangernoodle”