While humans are self-isolating, wildlife are roaming free as animals invade cities and empty streets. The coronavirus pandemic has really turned our lives upside down. Countries are forced to go on a lockdown and citizens are mandated to stay at home. During a lockdown, usual human activities are indefinitely suspended in order to slow down the spread of the disease. Self-isolation and social distancing should reduce the risk of human transmission. And hopefully, these preventive measures could eliminate the existence of the COVID-19 virus once and for all.
It’s no secret that civilization has taken away wildlife’s natural habitat. Lush forests were demolished to build roads and buildings. Pristine ecosystems were eventually disturbed by human presence due to overpopulation. As a result, wildlife was forced to retreat and went into hiding to the remaining fragments of their natural habitat. That has been the way of life for decades. But since the pandemic took over, seems like the tables have turned. People are now forced to retreat to their homes and wildlife seems to be slowly reclaiming the places that were previously theirs. As animals invade cities and roam free on the streets, we can only look at them from our windows and pray that everything would return back to normal.
Animals Invade Cities While People Are In Quarantine
Ever since public places were emptied, animals took this opportunity to come out from hiding and enjoy the place for themselves. Horses, deer, sheep, and boars can be seen roaming freely around empty streets while enjoying the quiet, peaceful world. Not long after, wild predators including bears, alligators, wild pumas, and mountain lions also joined in. Since the coronavirus cannot infect animals, they can safely wander around the city without a care in the world. And if this pandemic lockdown keeps on going for weeks or months, we could only expect civilization to revert back to wildlife as animals invade cities.
Here are some photos and videos of animals trying to invade cities and taking this rare chance to come out from their natural environment
Harold Hill In Romford, East London

“Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the sweetest lil fox sleeping on a tree stump in my parent’s backyard?

“Mountain lions moving back into boulder during lockdown.”

“When the tourists are away… [photo taken with a zoom lens from inside my car]”

“On a lighter note the lambs are getting there once a day exercise in”
On a lighter note the lambs are getting there once a day exercise in ?? ?Please share?
Posted by Debbie Ellis on Thursday, April 2, 2020
“Be careful, moose is running around in Utena, Lithuania”
Atsargiai, briedis aukštakalnyje laksto
Posted by Deividas Kurlavi?ius on Saturday, April 4, 2020
“A seal rests on the bank of the Urumea river.”
Donostia: Una foca descansa en la orilla del río Urumea. pic.twitter.com/myM5nitTmz
— GipuzkoaGaur (@gipuzkoagaur) March 25, 2020
“Chandigarh today, animals are claiming their land back.”
Chandigarh today, animals are claiming their land back. pic.twitter.com/opXISaGENY
— Jagdeep Singh (@jaggsiec) March 26, 2020
“A Bear Is Seen Walking Around In An Asturian Town In Full Quarantine”
“Nilgai near GIP Mall.”
?????: ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??????? pic.twitter.com/IsP3K39Cwf
— Shafaque Ibrahim (@shafaquealam) March 27, 2020
Meanwhile in West Oakland
Spotted on the playground at the elementary school next door, which has been closed for several days … wild turkeys! That’s a first. #coronavirus #westoakland pic.twitter.com/tGA4y1l09c
— Charlotte Simmonds (@CharSimmonds) March 20, 2020
Unusual guests at an empty university