If it doesn’t take much for you to go ‘aww’, you’re going to be saying it a hell of a lot looking at this post! Russia-based toy creator Tatyana has a wonderful talent when it comes to creating adorable animals made out of 100% sheep’s wool, with the added extra of glass eyes. Each of Tatyana’s difficult pieces takes roughly 2 weeks to create, which shows how much love and care she puts into her work. We would literally love to own every single one of these animals! Take a look and you’ll understand why!
Website: Instagram
We see a hint of a smile on this bear!

We love how realistic each piece is.

Adorable, just adorable!

Even wool animals need friends!

Probably the cutest elephant toy we’ve ever seen!

Such endearing eyes this fox has…

Just look at that face! We want to squish it in between our hands!

That hat is an adorable touch.

A cute monkey made even cuter with a gorgeous hat and scarf set!

We cannot get enough of these! Just perfect!

We could all do with a panda friend.

That tutu really suits the piglet!

A face that can melt your heart…
