People often say that money can’t buy you happiness. While this may or may not be true, healthy finances can certainly buy you a lot of cool stuff! Imagine having a considerable stash of cash left over after you’ve paid the bills each month. What would you do with it? For many of us, living in an expensive and beautifully designed home is the ultimate dream. If you’ve a keen interest in home design and have a few million dollars burning a hole in your wallet, take a look below at some very cool ways you could enhance your home!
Imagine the amount of expensive vintage wines you could keep in here!
This underground parking spot will make you feel like a real-life James Bond!
Your friends will be green with envy when they come over to watch a movie.
This magical treehouse is like something from a fairytale!
How awesome would it be to step out of bed and into a pool with views like this?
Far more exciting than a goldfish bowl.
A library cabin for when you want to escape from it all with a good book.
Just one question… how do you access this amazing tree swing?
If you love seclusion, why not buy this Panamanian island for only $380,000?
For when you need a rest from counting your millions.
The sky’s the limit when you’re rich.
How lovely does this look?
Ensure your cats have plenty to keep them occupied with this brilliant cat transit system!
Keep yourself warm and toasty in the bath with this ingenious built-in fireplace!