When 25 year old mother of two, Ivette Ivens first saw her bulldog pup, Farley, she instantly fell in love with him. And when she saw his birth date, she knew he was meant to be a part of her family. You see, Farley was born on the exact same day as her youngest son, Dilan. Remarkably, as soon as she got him home, Farley formed a unique bond with baby Dilan. They eat, sleep, and play together and Farley can turn Dilan's tears into laughter at the drop of a hat. Read on for more on this cute story!
Website: ivetteivens
"I saw Farley's birth date and just knew it's meant to be."

"I'm pretty sure Dilan thinks they're both the same species."

"Farley patiently plays with him and tries not to snore while they both nap."

"It's honestly the most loving connection, pure, unconditional, irreplaceable and inseparable."

"Farley is very gentle and clumsy at times, we have to remember he is still only a baby, too."

"My little Dilan is a chilled out baby and he's always happy, but for some reason Farley really cracks him up. I love seeing them together."

"He cleans up Dilan's mess after he eats, and always licks Dilan's neck if he is crying, so he starts laughing out loud."

Dilan and Farley are best friends.

Perhaps their connection is made stronger considering they have the same birth date?

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