Russia's arctic region probably isn't a place you think about especially often (correct us if we're wrong!), but it does have some areas of outstanding beauty, as well as some stunning wildlife. Arctic foxes are common in the area, and their natural curiosity makes them excellent subjects for photographs. One man in particular frequently gets close enough to these gorgeous creatures to snap some breathtaking photographs. Ivan Kislov works as a mining engineer in the bleak arctic region of Chukotka, but in his spare time he loves nothing better than to take photographs of the area's wildlife. While he also takes pictures of other animals, such as bears and wolves, precocious foxes are some of his primary models. Ivan's photographs really capture the essence and personality of these amazing animals.
Website: Ivan Kislov

Ivan said that the original reason he took up photography was for relaxation between long shifts. He likes to take extreme hikes to inaccessible places, but sometimes also simply enjoys taking leisurely walks to observe wildlife.

Looking at these photos, you really get the feeling that you're taking a sneak peek into the secret lives of these beautiful, intelligent creatures. Most of us will never see an arctic fox in the flesh, but these snaps give you an idea of how they live and interact.

Now, who else has the overwhelming urge to go hug a fox?
(Please, don't actually hug any foxes.)
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