What would you think if we told you that one artist collaborated with around 60,000 others to make one piece of art? Your first thought might be that people mailed or emailed in their collaborations, or that the artist installed a piece in a gallery and then viewers added to it. You probably wouldn't guess that the 60,000 collaborators were not even human. Dutch experimental artist Tomas Libertiny actually got 60,000 honey bees to help him out with a recent sculpture. Tomas created the framework and then the bees built this gorgeous honeycomb structure around it. Talking about his work Tomas said said that his job was directing the bees to:
"create a fragile and valuable object – like a pearl. This takes time, and time creates value.”
This piece was actually commissioned by a French high-end silverware manufacturer, but it works very well as a sculpture in its own right.
Website: Studio Libertiny

You can also take a look at this short film about Tomas' project.
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