It’s no secret that the way we live now is unsustainable. Everyday we throw away items out of plastics and other materials that won’t break down for thousands of years. It’s a threat to our wildlife, natural areas, and to us humans, as well! In order to highlight these issues, street artist Artur Bordalo (also known as Bordalo II) creates amazing sculptures of animals made out of trash that he’s scavenged from bins, dumps, and even street corners. We’ve featured the work of Bordalo II before, but he’s been busy with even more creations. Take a look at these fourteen incredible sculptures that show one person’s trash is another’s treasure.
We love this striking yellow frog.

You can’t go wrong with a wolf.

The transparent wings on this bee are amazing.

This weasel is crafted out of scraps of found metal.

This gorgeous lizard stands proud across the wall.

We love the spikes on this hedgehog.

What an incredible use of an abandoned ship.

The way these flamingos are positioned drinking out of the river is awesome.

A lot of people don’t have much love for possums, but we adore them and this sculpture.

This old car has been transformed into a gorgeous fox.

And this abandoned bus has become a backdrop for these meerkats.

This whale sculpture reminds us of the damage we’re doing to the oceans.

You can see (some of) the artist next to this kitten sculpture.

We won’t see creatures like this adorable flying squirrel if we don’t change out ways.

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