You may not know it but there’s a Reddit group called Murder Mittens. This particular subreddit is dedicated to showcasing adorable felines showing off their scarily cute claws. We love everything about cats and this also includes, not just their endearing nature, but also their nasty sides. One of their not-so-pleasant behaviors is excessive scratching. Some cats scratch as a form of social play while others manifest this behavior as a sign of aggression. This feline behavior is indeed frustrating as they sometimes end up damaging our furniture. Not to mention, getting a cat-scratch wound is excruciatingly painful.
But nonetheless, having sharp claws and scratching behavior are a part of feline nature. So, you’ll need to deal with this behavior if you intend to have a feline companion. Owners need to understand that cats are biologically designed as wild hunters. Cats have naturally sharp, retractable claws that allow them to hunt and climb trees. Furthermore, they also use their claws to mark their territories by scratching. Instead of getting rid of this innate attribute, many cat owners prefer to just accept it and even flaunt it. And if you want to do the same, this Reddit community is the perfect place for you.
There’s An Online Community Where People Share Photos Of Their Cats Showing Their Claws

The page currently has over 142k members. There you can find a vast collection of photos of cats showing off their claws. Cat owners are invited to join the group and anyone can share photos of their kitties as long as their claws are showing. Besides, that’s what the page is all about. However, there are certain rules that members have to follow. There should be no text over the images, no gory content and no cat harassment involved. We’ve picked out the cutest and scariest photos from the page. So, get ready to be murdered by the cuteness of these adorable cattos.
“Black Panther Sequel”

“Illegally Tiny And Adorable Murder Mittens”

“Ah Yes. The Deadly Grip Of The Void Itself”

Cats sharpen their claws by scratching
Cats have flexor tendons in their toes that extend their claws out. These tendons expand and contract when a cat wants to extend and retract their claws. Hence, their claws usually don’t touch the ground and they don’t wear out as dogs typically do. This is why it is necessary for them to sharpen their claws by means of scratching. This practice can cause damage on furniture, as most cat owners are aware of. One of the most effective ways to save your furniture from their ruthless scratches is to get them a scratching post. This would help lure them away from your furniture.
“My Favourite Baby Photo Of Him”

“Also Very Smol”

Now, you might be wondering if it’s safe to trim your cat’s claws. If your indoor cat still damages your furniture despite giving it a scratching post, you may opt to trim the nails. Take note that trimming and declawing are entirely different things. Trimming involves clipping off just the tip of the claw while declawing involves cutting off a bone segment attached to the claw. Trimming should be safe as long as you do it properly. Declawing, on the other hand, is an extremely painful procedure which is considered barbaric and inhumane.
When Sharp Claws Aren’t Enough

“Murder Mitten And A Tooth For Good Measure.”

“Press On The Beans And You Get The Means…”

As cats age, they become less active and they tend to scratch less frequently than before. Because they weren’t able to sharpen their claws like they used to, their nails can get longer, curve and penetrate into their pads. This may result in infection so then trimming becomes essential.
Teeniest Murder Mitts


“Baby Bella’s Lunch Time. One Month Old And Rescued From The Trash. Direct Descendant Of Toothless”

Only use an appropriate claw clipper when trimming their nails. Hold the paw between your thumb and your index finger then clip the tip of the nail. Make sure to avoid cutting the quick or the pink part of the claw. The pink stripe at the base of the nail contains blood vessels and nerves. Cutting this part would lead to bleeding and potential infection. Not to mention, this would bring pain and discomfort for your kitty.
“Mama Lynx With 7 Cubs. Hmm… 8×4=32 Murder Mittens!”


“Very Unique”

Declawing ensures that a cat’s claws are permanently removed. However, this procedure requires painful surgery which can potentially cause abscesses and paw pad atrophy. Owners need to understand that claws help cats with balance as these keep them stable as they walk. Removing their nails entirely throws them off balance. And since they can no longer walk properly, this may lead to muscle degeneration which will later result to chronic issues as they get older.
“Like A Godly Hand”

“Bebe Precioso!!!!!”

“Someone’s Ready For Dinner”

Moreover, declawing can cause behavioral issues with your feline pet. As we explained earlier, the claws are a vital part of their well-being. Put yourself in their paws shoes and imagine yourself waking up one day with a part of your body removed. Keep in mind that there are better alternatives to keep your kitties from damaging your furniture.
“Stretching The Mittens”

“Smol Floofy Murder Mitts”


“As I Was Leaving Work My Coworkers Told Me I Had A Cat In My Trucks Engine Bay. Meet Fjord The Mighty Huntress.”

“Yoshi, The Panther”

“Fear Me Hoomans”

“Gus Just Moved In, He’s Making Sure We Know He’s The Boss Now.”

“She Looked Familiar…”

“My Cat Had Kittens. Here Are All 3 Of Them!”

“Touch Tha Chockamachip Cookee”

“Just When I Thought It Was Safe To Go To The Bathroom! (Bandit Strikes Again!)”


“He Attac”

“Teeny Tiny Vicious”

“How I Am Greeted When I Get Home Every Day”

“I Can’t Ever Go To The Bathroom In Peace.”

“action MM’s”

“Scalp Massage”

“What Are Thooooose?”

“Murder Mittens Used To Beg For His Wet Food. He Wants Us To Know He Could Rip Us Apart If We Neglect To Feed Him.”

“I’m Slightly Terrified”

“Out In Full Force This Morning!”