Corey Hayes is a New York-based photographer who loves snapping pics of 'cosplayers' in all their glory. In case you didn't know, 'cosplayer' is the term used to describe someone who likes to dress up as their favorite comic book hero. Cosplayers are the type of weird and wonderful, colorful characters you will find en masse at the big conventions, such as the New York Comic Convention, where Hayes' fascination with the cosplaying world first began. Hayes says the best thing about cosplay photography is witnessing the oft-startling transformations, as ordinary people become "cosplayer rockstars". He notes that donning the elaborate costumes seems to facilitate a marked change in people, affecting their personality as well as their body language. Check out his awesome 'before' and 'after' work below and see the awesome transformations for yourself!
Website: coreyhayesphoto
Al Vasquez – Batman

Ruby Rinekso – Man-Bat

Jenn Reddig – Phantasm

Dana Paige – Grace Soulfire

Diana Lin – Harley Quinn

Joseph BB Quinn – Deadpool

Kat Chagnon – Dex Starr-Red Lantern

Kyle Stark – Arrow

Lindsay – Victorian Thor

Paul D'Armore – Scarecrow

Kiara – Black Widow

Gina Y – Gou Matsuoka

Jack Farzan – Traditional Female Loki

Jennifer Rose – Retro Catwoman

Morgan Herrmann – Magik

Samanthat Traub – Black Canary

Colen P – Green Lantern

Sheena V – Victorian Loki

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