Going on vacation is something we all look forward to and if there is a plane journey involved, all the better. Airport security is tight nowadays and that can only be a good thing. It’s pretty common though to forget about a razor or a bottle of water in our hand luggage. However, what happens when people try to actively smuggle things onto a plane that they know they shouldn’t?
Here we take a look at 16 of the craziest things people have tried to get past airport security. You won’t believe some of this stuff! Take a look!
These Wolverine claws look awesome but not for taking on a flight!

Weird monsters carrying grenades are not permitted on any flights!

This cow dung toothpaste is just wrong!


Whoever was trying to smuggle this haul of creepy masks onto a plane must not have had the best intentions.

A bazooka gun?!

This Scooby Doo card is awesome…unlike the razors which were hidden inside.

The filling of this enchilada was a knife… a huge one!

Check out the firearm hidden inside this Mickey Mouse toy.

This Eiffel Tower souvenir contained a double edged sword.

Airport security stopped a woman carrying this lipstick-shaped stun gun.

Can you believe that someone was caught trying to smuggle 200 tarantulas onto a plane?

Eels don’t make very good traveling companions.

A man was stopped at Gatwick Airport, UK with a bag of dried caterpillars for “personal consumption”.

The movie ‘Snakes on a Plane’ became real when someone tried to take 75 live ones onto an aircraft!

And finally, this guy was caught at airport security with 94 iPhones strapped to his body… crazy!