Most people are not actually fond of bugs and crawlers. But these super realistic creature-inspired handbags may change the way we look at insects. Amanojaku to Hesomagari (Amaheso for short), the talented artist behind these creature-inspired handbags, wants to show us that the most dreaded creatures also have their charming side. Well, we can’t be sure about that. We couldn’t actually say that fleas, mites, worms, grasshoppers, and centipedes are charming. But if there’s a bag that looks exactly like these creepy bugs then we’ll be glad to use it. Just imagine the attention you’ll be getting when you flaunt these creature-inspired handbags.
Not just handbags, Amaheso also crafts bracelets, pouches, sling bags, anklets, and purses that are shaped like real insects. But if you have a serious case of entomophobia, there are also other designs that were based from other animals not belonging to the bug family. Amaheso also creates sea creatures-inspired handbags in the form of fishes, sea turtles, lobsters, and sharks. There are also bags in the shapes of birds, a platypus, a dinosaur, and a monkey. So, you’re not really stuck with the creepy bugs.
All Amaheso’s creations are made of leather. And in order to make them as realistic as possible, the artist teams up with researchers and nature photographers. Furthermore, Amaheso compiled all her stunning works in a book titled “Wandering Animals”. If you want to see her entire collection of animal-inspired works, you can buy the book here in Japanese language. We’ve picked out the most impressive (and the ickiest) creature-inspired handbags and other leather accessories courtesy of Amaheso. Enjoy!
Scroll down to see more realistic creature-inspired handbags and leather accessories