Clever desktop wallpapers can turn any ordinary computer experience into an awesome computer experience. A wallpaper may be just a simple thing for some people. But for people who spend most of their lives with their computer, a good wallpaper can make a big difference. Working 8 hours a day in a tedious office environment can be bland. For this reason, a boost of inspiration and amusement could certainly brighten up any boring day at the office. Besides, it’s good to change your wallpapers from time to time just for a change of pace. Check out these funny and clever desktop wallpapers that are absolutely cool. Perhaps you might get some inspiration to change yours.
A monitor screen can obstruct your view from the window. So why not put the view on the monitor screen instead?
What is this magical thing? I can’t take my eyes off it!
You know you’re a total loser if you let some trash trample over you.
A well-organized office space makes work easier and life more convenient.
You can just leave them in the darkroom until they are fully-developed.
Morpheus is here to give you only two choices. What would it be?
Here’s someone to eat away all cookies from your computer system.
Computer screen wallpapers that will make you want to jazz up yours
All work and no play? Why not give them space to play? They also need to have a break from work.
Just in case you forgot again, let me point it out for you.
When you can’t get enough of monitor screens.
A red moon is cool by itself. But adding a planetary ring made of icons is much cooler.
Nothing new here, just another day at the office.
That’s it, LeBron! Slam it down to the trash bin!
Because a giraffe can’t fit in a single monitor…
Poor Explorer can’t really get a break.
What do you think of these awesome computer wallpapers? Let us know!