With his vibrant, bright green sheen and bugged out eyes showing off a whole lot of white, the frog on the left, a newly discovered species, could well be the long lost cousin of our ol' pal, Kermit. The pair look so alike, it's hilarious! The new species was recently discovered in the jungles of Costa Rica and is now known as Diane's Bare-hearted Glassfrog (or Hyalinobatrachium dianae if you want to get all proper and scientific about it). There is one spectacular way in which the two frogs differ however, besides the fact that one of them is a puppet from TV. The Costa Rican cousin has an amazing, translucent underbelly, (hence the name Glassfrog) through which you can actually see its insides! Freaky! Check it out…
Website: cramphibian

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