One of the exiting things to think about when you’re bringing a baby into the world is what you are going to call them. A name literally gives a person their identity and you want it to be just right. Unfortunately, it’s not always a simple process making a decision. Sometimes you know exactly what you want but your partner disagrees, or, you don’t know what you want but you are sure that you hate your partner’s top choice! Below we have a list of people that can certainly relate to those statements. Take a look to see the hardships of disagreeing on baby names!
Website: Whisper
The sister’s feelings do not matter quite frankly. It’s mom and dad’s decision!

Unfortunately, this occurs more often than you might think!

It’s not the son’s fault and we really hope this mom got over these unfair feelings!

This is a good compromise!

We’re with the wife on this one!

Agreed. We think the joke would get extremely old, extremely fast!

This will be why some people are literally called ‘Baby’!

Keep Going To See More!

Both parents should be happy with the name. Keep going until you find one you both like!

This is like when you love a name, but then you meet someone who has that name and you hate them, so end up hating the name!

These aren’t very nice things to say about your husband and child!

What a strange request! We would feel quite insulted by the suggestion…

When you stop stressing about something, often a solution pops up when you least expect it to!

What a shame… sometimes you just can’t shake something that you feel so strongly about.
