It will never fail to amaze us how creative some people can be. A lot of people have the misconception that you need money to create something awesome but there are so many projects that prove this isn’t always the case. Here we present a cool DIY invention brought to you by Vincent Kompanini. We’ve seen a few variations of this idea and we love every single one! Over the space of a year, Vincent collected various beer bottle caps. Some were donated by friends and family, whilst others were gathered by him.
Vincent decided to put the bottle caps to good use and embarked on creating a unique bottle cap table. Take a look at the process and awesome results below, this is one project we’re really keen to try!
Vincent bought a plain wooden table from IKEA.

You’ll find that most tables that you buy are flat on the top without a border. This wouldn’t do for Vincent as he needed edges to hold the epoxy resin that would be poured onto the bottle caps.

So, he created a border using dowels and filled the gaps with wood glue. A quick and easy solution well executed!

The next step was to sand everything down. This helped round out the edges and prime the table for painting. The images you see may look white but the color used was actually a light gray. This was chosen to help the varying bottle caps stand out.

Vincent didn’t particularly enjoy this part of the project but it needed to be done! Next it was on to the fun stuff!

Initially, Vincent was thinking of doing a color spectrum, but he realized he was lacking in some colors so it wouldn’t look great. Instead, he decided to mix all of the caps for a completely random look.

Trying to keep duplicates to a minimum, the caps were laid out randomly. After making sure he was pleased with the design, the next step was to glue them all down!

The caps that you see are from an awesome range of places. Most are British, but there are also Belgian, German, Swiss, Italian and Czech ones in the mix also. Cool!

The caps were tightly nestled together, some even needed the assistance of pliers to get them into their correct positions!

Next a two part epoxy resin was poured over the bottle caps, which becomes solid when dry. It’s great because it looks like glass whilst holding everything in place. It is durable so you can place things on it. Look at that shine!

What a great piece! We love that this project is simple enough that anyone can do it! Not to discredit Vincent and his efforts in any way because we think he’s done a superb job. Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

Source: Imgur