Christmas is the season when we can be all festive when it comes to decorating the house. Putting up our magnificent Christmas tree, hanging the fairy lights, wrapping some presents, it is indeed the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, dogs and cats don’t seem to look at Christmas the same way that we do. Yes folks, our adorable furry companions might be related to the Grinch after all. Every single Christmas, they try to bring down our holiday trees, steal the hanging baubles or rip apart those perfectly wrapped presents under the Christmas tree.
There’s definitely something about the sights and sounds of Christmas that our pets find so tempting. Have that big tree full of shiny baubles right in front of them and you already know what happens. Of course, our pets just can’t control their instincts. So, expect them to try their best to gnaw the fancy ornaments and destroy the entire tree along the way.
” Oh Good, You’re Here. The Tree Just Fainted!”

But the most hilarious thing is, our furry friends know when they’ve done something wrong. Just like kids, they tend to act innocent and awfully strange despite their obvious misdemeanor. If only they’re aware that this act only makes them look guiltier, and ridiculously funny. Let’s admit, we can’t just get mad when these cute destroyers act up like they’re not guilty.
Get ready to have a good laugh as these lovable furballs who destroyed Christmas in a hilarious way. We can’t deny their cuteness and we’re just so thankful that these are not our homes.
“It hasn’t even been up for 3 minutes…”

“My Cat Ripped Open All The Presents Christmas Morning”

My Work Here Is Done

“Dog Jumped In Christmas Tree After Cat”

“I like candy canes”

“It wasn’t me. I swear!”
And It was Delicious

Which Is The Odd One Out?
“It’s delicious!”
“Mom Put Up The Tree And We Helped!”

“So This Cat Helped With The Christmas Decorations…”
“Pretend Like Nothing Happened”

“Giant Kitty Destroys Xmas-town”
Cat 1 – Christmas Tree 0

“It’s Not Even Up Yet!!”
“And To All A Good Night!”
“Not Sure About This Whole Tree Thing”

“Undressing The Christmas Tree”
“White Catistmas”
“Oh Summer My Little Angel”
“I Know It Is About Cats And Dogs But I Like Christmas Too!”
“A Tyrannosaurus In A Nativity Scene”
“I Think My Dog Had An Enjoyable Christmas, Don’t You?”

Bengal Bauble
“I Won’t Touch Anything, I Promise :)”
“Oh! Christmas Tree, Are You Ok?”
“Cat Under Christmas Tree”