We’re lucky enough to live in a huge and diverse world filled with so much to see and do. The awesome thing about the Internet is that we can easily access information about anything we want, whenever we want, and wherever in the world it may be! Take a look at these 14 fascinating photos which give an insight into our incredible Universe! Don’t forget to let us know what you think in the comments below!
This Roman soldier was killed instantly by the Mount Vesuvius eruption.

This is what it looks like when there’s a storm on Saturn!

This Louisiana swamp has the most interesting colors!

These ‘Game of Thrones’ stunt doubles. Where do we sign up?

This incredible view from the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza!

This intimidating-looking guy is a member of the ‘Mongrel Mob’, a New Zealand motorcycle gang!

These breathtaking stars.

This drink is 94.5% alcohol!

This beautiful machine is a 1942 ‘Harley-Davidson Flathead U74’ along with a very rare 1956 side-car.

These bullets collided mid-air at the Battle of Gallipoli, in World War II!

The ‘FIFA’ meeting room!

Believe it or not, this beautiful castle is actually a Chinese hotel!

A boxer’s badly injured hand after delivering a knockout punch.

This breathtaking atrium at the ‘Grand Hyatt Shanghai’ hotel.

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