In the nicest way possible to all the wonderful doctors and healthcare professionals that grace our earth, often seeing these people is the last place that you want to be. No one likes to be sick or injured, and some people have an immense fear of places like the doctor’s office or the dentist! It’s no surprise really as often the aesthetics and atmospheres of these places can be totally mind numbing.
However, some people do put in a solid effort into making a patient’s visit more enjoyable.
How to make delivering bad news that little bit more cheerful…

A free bag of nuts with every vasectomy!

Pretty accurate we would say!

The kind of dentist you know you’re going to get along with…

That’s one way to break the ice!

A ‘Lucille’ themed prosthetic! We love it!

A great note! We hope the employer took what was said on board.

A painting on the wall of a colorectal exam room…

Someone’s about to have their wisdom teeth removed…

This guy’s doctor pointed out that he looked similar to the man on the poster in his office!

This had us in stitches…

This guy had a hip replacement and kept the old bone to make a cool cane!

Painfully accurate for so many of us…

How many doctors feel…

The people that took these photos are super lucky to have such awesome and witty healthcare professionals in their lives. A person’s state of mind can really impact on their experience and the way that they treat others around them, so, if they’re distracted with humor rather than sitting there feeling fearful or agitated, it’s a positive for both the patient and the caregiver. Keep going to see even more amusing images that show laughter really is the best medicine!
This adorable little girl passes the time in hospital by playing operation with her doctor.

It’s the small touches that make a place more inviting…

Prescription monster spray. Awesome!

A chart like this makes answering the standard question “what’s your pain level on a scale of 1-10?” much easier!

Everything you need to know about pregnancy and women…

‘Self Diagnosis For Hypochondriacs’

This fertility center knows how to brand their merchandise well…

A sink design guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

We would like to know who went through the effort of purchasing a tiny stool to make this joke happen and then shake their hand.

Just what every child wants to read…

Think about this the next time you’re annoyed in a waiting room.

We think that all dentists should have something to look at on the ceiling!

The sign on the cabinets says ‘you will obey and wash your hands’!

This sounds about right…