Vampire, witch, zombie, ghost, skeleton – you’ve probably tried all of these costumes for the spooky season. And if you’ve already ran out of ideas then let these funny Halloween costumes give you a clue. Originally a Celts folk ritual in the olden times, Halloween is now one of the most celebrated feasts lauded with festive parties, spooky decorations, and creepy costumes. Over the years, people have added some comical twists to the traditional scary outfits that mostly depict supernatural and ghoulish creatures.
One of the reasons why people of all ages are excited for Halloween is that they can go all out on designing their most creative outfits. It has come to a point where a costume doesn’t have to be merely scary. More importantly, the outfit should stand out among the rest. And this is where people’s creativity, resourcefulness, and wittiness come into play. Today, dressing up as witches or vampires is just plain run-of-the mill. Everyone wants to be unique so they are coming up with their own original outfit ideas. And these people absolutely nailed it.
Funny Halloween Costumes

If it’s funny, it surely stands out. These funny Halloween costumes are undeniably hilarious. But they still showcase the scary factor that can still haunt you in your dreams. Who would’ve thought that dressing up as Vincent van Gogh could look both hilarious and horrifying? Also, wearing a chef’s hat with Ratatouille hiding inside is guaranteed to make everyone turn heads. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get the most impressive Halloween costume. You only need to be clever and resourceful, just like these people.
Take a look at these funny Halloween costumes that can help you get some inspiration.
“For Halloween I Caught Me A Ratatouille”

“A Friend And I Decided To Go As Anglerfish For Halloween”

“‘Getting Deported By Trump’ Funny Halloween Costume”

“This Guy Had The Best Halloween Party Costume, He Was The Fire”

“My Brother Was Sad His Girlfriend Couldn’t Come To Our Halloween Party, So He Came As Both Of Them”

“You Know It’s A Good Costume When Someone Cries Because Of It”

“Princess Leia And R2D2 (My Grandpa’s Costume)”

“A Friend Nailed Halloween And 3D Printed His Own Face”

“My Buddy Dressed Up As His Cat For Halloween. Look At The Cats Face”

“My Brother-In-Law And His Friends Won Their Office Costume Contest”

“Made My Son A Pikachu Costume For His Wheelchair”

“Toddler Dresses Up As Her Grandmother On Halloween”

“Awesome Family Costume”
“My Sister-In-Law And Her Sisters This Halloween”

“Stopping By The Apple Store In My Halloween Costume”

“Mother Of Dragons”

“I’m 7 Foot. For Halloween I Went As A Normal Guy On Stilts”

“Guy Dressed Up As A Stock Photo For Halloween”

“Our Couples Costume”


“Even Cancer Can’t Stop Halloween – A Friend Getting Chemotherapy In Costume”

“My Girlfriend And I Attempted Our First Couple’s Costume This Halloween. I Think We Did A Pretty Good Job With It”

“It’s Him”

“My Mom Was A Dead/Frozen Head In A Freezer. She Killed It!”

“My Wife And I Made Daft Punk Halloween Costumes”

“Come And Play With Us, Danny”

“The Snail Trail”

“Dress Up Like ‘Dominoes’ They Said…”

“Amputee Adventure Time Costume”

“My Wife And I Won Funniest Costume At The Party”

“Hijabi Harley Quinn”

“Pretty Unique Halloween Costume – Dead Body On Mount Everest”

“Finished My Halloween Costume”

“I Beat Cancer This Year And Lost My Hair In The Process. My 4 Year Old Son Wanted To Be Darth Vader For Halloween So I Surprised Him As Darth ‘Mom'”

Cut In Half

“I Was Transforming Mystique For Halloween”

“Wife’s First Attempt At Making A Costume For Our Daughter”

“The Blue Screen Of Death”

“Here Is A Tyrannosaurus Costume I Made For My Son, From Mattress Foam And Spray Paint”

“Last Year I Stuck 50 Samples Of Grey Paint Samples To My Shirt For My Office Halloween Party, This Year I Got Even Lazier”

“I Dressed As Amazon Prime And Won My Office Halloween Costume Contest!”

“My Son Heading Out For Halloween”

“My So Decided To Mix Classic Halloween With The Trend Of Everything Being ‘Sexy'”