There are many things that make a great mother. Taking care of you as you grow, teaching you the things that you need to know and guiding you to make good choices are just a few of them. But, one thing we feel makes an extra special mom is one that makes you laugh. One who fills you with inexplicable happiness just because they’re so hilariously awesome and silly. Here we have some amusing images of moms who have nailed having a brilliant sense of humor. Take a look and prepare to want to go and give your own mom a big hug!
When you get drunk and want to organize the potatoes in size order, don’t let anyone stop you!

A trip to IKEA is way more fun if you pretend to be an astronaut…

This mom, Andrea, started making preserves…

When you ask your mom for a cool bookmark and she gives you one of herself…

You can’t lie to those eyes…

Every household needs one of these!

‘This is the only cup you’re allowed to drink beer/alcohol from…’

When you go to study abroad so your mom takes a cardboard cut out of you to family events…

Apparently, this mom wasn’t too pleased with the Christmas gifts she had received over the past 2 years.

We feel pretty tire, also!


Walked right into that one…

When you say you want Jesus riding a stegosaurus on your birthday cake…

This mom broke a knife but saw the opportunity for a prank!

Sadly, it’s an easy thing to do to forget to let our mom’s know how much we love and appreciate them. Seeing all of these amusing images have got us thinking about our own wonderful and hilarious mothers. These women set great examples on how to ensure you’ll have a great relationship with your children. If this post has reminded you of your own special mom, why not share this post with her and give her a good laugh! After all, we’re sure she’s provided you with plenty of smiles over the years…
Please, mom, say what you really think…

This guy’s mom made him and his cat adorable matching ties!

Those moms nailed it!

‘You peed on the floor…’

This little guy was obsessed with the personal injury lawyer adverts so his mom themed his birthday party around them!

If you need inspiration on how to wrap up a rug, here is the best way…

The email with this image attached was titled ‘she won the contest’…

Vasectomy celebration cake…

This guy’s wife told their kids that they could speak to Santa through dad’s feet…


A cruel but effective tactic!

What a lovely smile this mom has!

We all need a ‘good morning beautiful’ text to brighten our day and this one certainly would have made us laugh, then probably cry…

When your mom catches you crying over a TV show…