Move over flexi-cats because muddy dogs are the hottest thing on social media right now. But what’s so good about doggos covered in mud? Well, they look hilariously horrible. And you can just imagine their owners having to deal with the mess and having to wash the mud off their pets. Furthermore, there’s no denying the fascination of seeing their before-and-after transformation, from being fluffy and clean to becoming a dirtball (literally).
As responsible owners, we need to make sure that our pets are clean and healthy at all times. Bathing your dog as frequently as every other week helps keep their coat smooth and shiny. Additionally, it also keeps them smelling clean and fresh. But remember that dogs require physical exercise as much as proper hygiene for optimum health. It’s also important to let them play and let them unleash their canine instincts. This means allowing them to go outside, letting them run and bounce around to their heart’s content. Even if this means we’ll be having muddy pets in return.
Before And After Playdate

This is just one of the issues that you have to deal with when your dogs are free to roam outside especially when it just rained. There will be lots of mud puddles scattered everywhere. And dogs won’t hesitate to roll in the mud when they see the opportunity. It is just a natural behavior from canines embracing their inner instinct and doing what they enjoy. This behavior also separates them from their feline counterparts. Cats, on the other hand, would avoid mud as much as possible. Unlike dogs, cats won’t compromise their cleanliness for the sake of playtime. But for dogs, getting dirty and mucky is part of the fun.
If you catch your pooch playing and rolling around in mud, let them do so. As we explained earlier, this behavior comes from their predatory instinct as a way to mask their scent. But what if they accidentally ingest some dirt? Pure, untreated dirt is generally safe for your dog to eat. Soil contamination is still a possibility since pesticides can seep into the ground. However, trust us when we say that canines can efficiently distinguish pure dirt from contaminated dirt better than us. They know which mud puddle is safe and which is harmful to them.
Make Sure You Give Your Dog A Bath
When they’ve had enough of playing in the mud, it’s time to give your dogs a thorough bath. Don’t wait till the mud dries up as it will be harder to remove once it hardens. Use a dog shampoo and brush the dirt out their fur. And don’t forget to clean their dirty paws as well. Your doggy is likely to return to the mud even after being washed. And of course, you don’t want to undergo the same ordeal all over again. So it’s highly advisable to keep them indoors during and after rainy days. Learn from these owners who shared funny photos of their muddy dogs before and after their mud bath.
“As Expected I Got Super Super Muddy And Had A Great Time, However I Partied A Bit Too Hard”

“Dog Playing In River Evolves Into Supermodel”

“Dandelion Zoomies”

Before And After Mud Bath

“Jude And His Hound Dog Puppy ‘Chicky-Dog’ After Playing In The Mud”

“Today I Discovered Mud Puddles. Best. Day. Ever”

“Our Babies When They Play Too Much. Alice And Figo”

“So That’s How Chocolate Labs Are Made”

“Is This Not Good?”

“Wat, Mahm? Dirt? Where? I See Nuffin”

“Anyone Knows How To Clean A Bath? Asking For A Friend”

“Ran Through The Tall Weeds With Her Velcro Fur. Took A Bath And Nearly 2 Hours Of Brushing To Get Them All Out”

Muddy Dog

“Happy Hippo Ralph”

“Very First Time I Stuck My Head In Thick Mud. Mum Was Absolutely Horrified But Then Start Laughing. No One Wanted To Pet Me On The Walk Home Tho”

“Someone Found The Only Mud Puddle In The Dog Park”

“Oh You Dirty Dog”

“I See Your Muddy Pupper, And I Raise You Mine”

“She Found The Mud Puddle”

“Found Her Playing In The Mud In The Backyard”

“Can You Believe It’s The Same Dog In Both Pictures?”

“Gabby Found A Mud Hole To Cool Off In”

“The Little One Is Learning From His Big Brother”

Muddy Dogs

“Was Asked If Martha Ever Got Muddy. Well, Yes. A Little”

“Rare Pupper Having A Hecking Good Time In The Mud”

“Doesn’t He Look Fetching In His Mud Suit?”

“It’s Safe To Say Wrigley Had The Most Fun At The Park Yesterday”

“Sunday Funday! Dog Park + Mud Puddles + Puppacinos”