In most photos, it’s pretty obviously what you’re meant to be looking at. It might be a photo of people, of adorable animals, of an awesome landscape, or anything else, but you know what it is you’re seeing. However, there are some occasions when photos are a bit more ambiguous. Sometimes the point of the photo isn’t obvious right away or at first you see one thing and then you realize you’re looking at something else. These photos are often unintentional, and the product of freak split-second timing, but they can also be intentional, taken by a cheeky photographer! Check out these fifteen photos that need a closer look for you to tell what’s really going on.
Don’t take the wrong one home!
Let’s hope he’s not having an apple with his meal.
It’s obvious what’s happening here, but we still can’t help but be scared.
Classic misdirection!
The lipstick never lies…
There’s something interesting about this hill.
We can understand how it took them so long to find it.
This one looks messed up until you figure it out.
Innocent until proven guilty!
The longer you look at this, the more disturbing it gets.
What a delicious looking desser…. oh.
Sometimes you just need a snack before dinner.
This one took us a minute!
One of these things is not like the other.
Could this really be a three-armed man?
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