Leaving high school is a huge milestone in life, and what could be a better way to remember some of your fellow students than reading back through some of their funniest yearbook quotes?
High school is probably the best time in our life. Why is that? Because these are the years when we revel in a happy-go-lucky attitude towards life. And we couldn’t care less about what the future holds. You may have known this but college life isn’t as fun as high school. When you become a college student, demands get higher and life becomes more serious. In high school, you make friends. In college, you make colleagues. This transition in life prepares us to mature more and grasp a more serious take in life. So enjoy your high school life while it lasts. These high school graduates will show you how to be playful in the last moments of their high school life. Here is our collection of the funniest yearbook quotes ever written.
His mom would be very proud of his disobedience.

How to use a reference like a boss.

What is not yours is not yours. Bri learned the lesson the hard way.

Internet culture at its finest.

This girl adds a little sense of humor to the prejudice but racism has to stop.

Playing smooth with the girls.

You gain some, you lose some.

Apology accepted.

Hilarious yearbook quotes that will make you LOL
A little bit of clever self-irony can make our day.

Sometimes it’s best to get straight to the point.

The best moment of his life.

Your name is what defines you… not always.

That will change when you get married. We hope.

I guess Thomas Thomas is glad to know he’s not alone.

Turbans will never be the same again.

He has officially become a legend because of this hilarious yearbook quote.