When it comes to interior design, there are all kinds of different trends and styles. You'll find that a lot of people go for a vintage, shabby chic look these days, but there are still those who prefer a modern vibe to their home. And then there are the folks who like to look to the future for their design tips. Here we have 11 fantastically futuristic rooms for you to have a nose at. We've got to admit that they do look cool. If you're looking to redecorate your own home, you could pick up a few tips here! For most of us, these rooms might be a bit too out there, but there is something to be said for bold design! Let's take a look!

What do you think of all this futuristic interior design? Would you decorate your home like this, or do you prefer a more inviting style? Let us know what you think in the comment section below!
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