Street art is one artistic platform that not everyone approves of. Some call it graffiti, or even vandalism. Whilst this is true in some cases, we struggle to look down on any talented artist who’s work brings happiness to the people who see it. Here we have some examples of a genius street artist that is definitely improving the surroundings of New York. Their name is Tom Bob, and they sure do have a creative eye!
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A pretty bird sitting on a bird cage.

What a perfect fit!

There’s no denying that sewer drains could use a little sprucing up.

Tom sees the potential in everything!

You never know what’s lurking in sewers of New York!

We wonder how many people crave eggs after seeing this…

Adorable! Who could dislike this elephant?!

This artistic piece could do with a haircut!

This is definitely in our top 5 favorites.

And, so is this one!

We love how Tom’s artwork brings inanimate things to life.

We can imagine this little guy saying ‘good day’ to passers by!

Whilst we can’t speak for everyone, but we would be extremely surprised to hear anything negative about Tom’s work! We are incredibly impressed at the transformation he brings to the streets of New York. When you see the before and after shots, you can just imagine the initial visions that Tom had. We hope that as many of his pieces were left alone as possible but unfortunately we wouldn’t be surprised if some of them were removed. We can’t wait to see the other things Tom comes out with in the future, his talent is one that will surely get better and better.
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Eating an Oreo, on a giant Oreo. This is the Oreo life.

Yay! We were hoping to see Pac-Man featured!

This one is especially impressive.

Peekaboo cones. They watch over you as you cross the road, jumping out if you don’t pay attention!

This would look great outside a bar/pub to advertise they have a pool table!

Good ol’ Popeye.

We like to imagine that these two have been on some epic battles together.

It’s Rosie from ‘The Jetsons’!

That is one long and chunky snake!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, art doesn’t have to be big to be bold!

The grumpy guard is there to ruin the fun!

Another snake themed piece presented in a different way.

We’re a huge fan of silhouette art so we love this!

This piece was so well thought out. We really hope it got to stay put.

An impressive piece on an oddly shaped canvas!

‘I thought I saw a pussycat, I did, I did!’
