Save space and save yourself from half the decorating with this Half Christmas Tree. The holiday season gives us the biggest excuse to be festive in everything, of course that also includes decorations. But for those with a limited space, going for a grandiose piece of decor is definitely out of question. Last year, we introduced to you the wall-mounted Christmas trees ideal for those who want to save floor space. But if you think this option is too ‘minimalist’ for your taste then we’ve found another option that also saves you half the space while still looking splendid.
This Christmas tree flaunts a semi-round shape designed to rest against a wall. No mounting required, just let the flat side rest against the wall and you’re good to go. From the front, it looks like a full-sized Christmas tree. It features realistic boughs and dense foliage made from PVC and PE materials. Additionally, the tree comes with 350 LED lights available in multicolor and warm white color options. Since the ornamental tree is literally cut in half, you’ll only have one side to decorate. So, this is absolutely the best option for lazy decorators or those who want to save money on decorations.
This Half Christmas Tree Is Half The Size But Features All The Same Characteristics Of A Full-Sized Tree

This Against-The-Wall Christmas Tree is sold by American catalog company Hammacher Schlemmer. It measures 78 inches tall, 43 inches wide and 22 inches deep weighing around 30 pounds. If you think this Christmas tree is still too massive for your space, we’ve found another version that is slimmer than the one from Hammacher Schlemmer.

We’ve found this half tree at Target which stands half a foot taller than the previous item but less bulky. This also comes pre-lit to eliminate the hassle of installing string lights around the tree. And it also comes with a stand to let you easily rest the entire tree against the wall without any mounting required.

These ideal alternatives allow us to have a festive home without using up too much space. So, you may want to get one now before it’s too late. Besides, it’s never too early to start shopping for holiday decorations. Half trees, or corner trees as others prefer to call, would be a décor trend this holiday season. Take a look at some of these spectacular examples.
Here’s what people have to say about this space-saving Christmas trees
Source: Hammacher Schlemmer | Target