Toilet paper shortage is not the only crisis we’re having now because we’re also running out of disinfectant sprays and hand sanitizers. Yes, hand sanitizer hoarding is also a problem in most parts of the world. The moment news about a lockdown was announced, people immediately rushed to grocery stores to bulk buy everything they’ll need. Unfortunately, opportunist jerks are taking advantage of the situation by hoarding high-demand items. These include toilet paper, disinfectant sprays, face masks, single-use gloves and hand sanitizers.
People have been consistently informed that hand-washing is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from catching the coronavirus. But the problem is, we can’t just have access to soap and water everywhere we go. So this is where hand sanitizers come in handy. Just like toilet paper, hand sanitizers are also selling like hotcakes these days. Sadly, hoarding has left those people in need with nothing. And the most infuriating part is, hoarders would later resell these in-demand products at exorbitant prices.
The coronavirus pandemic has led to high demand for disinfectants and sanitizers

A supermarket in Denmark thought of a clever way to stop people bulk buying hand sanitizer with its ingenious pricing trick. Twitter user @_schuermann posted about the supermarket’s brilliant idea on his page.

The name of the Danish supermarket is ‘Rotunden’ which is considered one of the country’s most beautiful supermarkets. Just like most supermarkets, Rotunden is also having problems with selfish hoarders who are emptying shelves for their own profit. In order to stop this inhumane act, the supermarket decided to sell one bottle of sanitizer for a regular price of 40 DKK (around $4) and two bottles for a ridiculous price of 1,000 DKK (around $95). This way, buyers are left with no choice but to limit their purchase to only bottle.
This Danish supermarket came up with a pricing trick to stop hand sanitizer hoarding

Rotunden tried to reach to their customers by posting this letter on their Facebook page. The letter explains the reason behind the unusual pricing in their bid to hoarding. Below is the statement translated to English:

“Dear Customers,
We have a great responsibility to keep the business running, and we can only do that with everyone’s help and understanding. You can help in the following way:
- We ask all customers to respect the distance between each other and our co-workers;
- Sprinkle (likely sanitize or wash) hands off at the entrance and use gloves;
- If you are a family, please allow only one person to purchase the purchases if possible;
There may be times when we limit how many customers we accept in the store at one time. We will keep you informed about any operating changes on Facebook. Take care and thank you for your understanding.”
Here’s what people have to say about this supermarket’s pricing idea

Source: Twitter | Facebook page