Working from home isn’t all that bad, if your trying to look on the bright side. Most office workers would’ve never imagined that they’d be forced to set up their own workspace at home one day. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, large and small companies alike have implemented a mandatory work-from-home policy. This is to observe community quarantine and social distancing procedures as a part of the government’s effort to stop the spread of the contagious virus.
While some employees don’t seem to mind being at home, others are still trying hard to adjust to the new, unusual environment. Obviously, office and home have entirely different setups. Introducing oneself into an entirely different workspace all of a sudden is rather confusing. As a result, the sudden change may lead to loss of focus and decreased productivity. But sooner or later, one will fit into the new work domain and adapt to it. Amazingly, humans have the ability to adjust to their new environment, mentally and physically. It may be difficult to get used to it in the first few days, but we’ll get familiar with it eventually.
This Twitter user shared a pic of her unglamorous workspace to show the reality of working from home

In order to make them feel ‘at work’, some employees would redesign their own personal space to simulate their actual office workspace. People have been posting their glamorous workspace setups on social media to show everyone how it’s done. This way, they can easily work without any distractions. However, not everyone has the means and the space to come up with their glamorous workspace. Those living in studio homes, for example, don’t even have extra space to spare. So, they end up optimizing the small space they have and turning it into an improvised workspace.
Twitter user @julesforrest shared a photo of her setup in her attempt to make a parody of the glamorous workspace trend on social media. Jules called the thread ‘unglamorous’ edition to showcase the other side having of a home office. Turning a clothes hamper or an ironing board into a desk, transforming a closet into an office cubicle and using a garbage bin as a desk. The possibilities are endless in creating an unglamorous workspace. Plus, this option won’t cost you a single buck.

If you also have a temporary home office, we would love to take a peek at your improvised setup too. Do you belong to the glamorous side or do you prefer to stay on the unglamorous side? Share some photos and let us be the judge.