The English language is complex and sometimes confusing but there’s always something fascinating about it that motivates us to learn it. Well, guess what? Illustrator Bruce Worden makes ‘learning English‘ more fun by visualizing homophones and homographs through fun illustrations. His series of homophone illustrations called Homophones, Weakly started in 2011 where he releases simple yet informative illustrations of two words that sound the same but have different meaning and spelling. For example, the words ‘raise’ and ‘rays’ have the same pronunciation but they mean and spell differently.
In 2019, Worden released a book titled Homophones Visualized and was published by Chronicle Books. The 208-page book is a compilation of his clever and minimalist illustrations of homophones. You can purchase the book, in hardcover or Kindle format, on Amazon. Concurrently, Worden has also started focusing on a new category – homographs. If homophones are words that sounds exactly the same, homographs on the other hand, are words that have the same spelling but with different meaning and pronunciation. Let’s take for example, bass (fish) and bass (musical instrument).
Artist Illustrates Homographs For Easy And Fun Learning
Worden has been updating both his website and his Facebook page with new illustrations – this time featuring homographs. In addition to the simple illustrations that visually explain the words, Worden also includes the proper pronunciation under each word. The word bass denoting the fish is pronounced simply as ‘bass’ while the bass that denotes the instrument is pronounced as ‘base’. This is to signify that the pair of words with the same spelling actually mean and sound differently.
Worden still adds some homophones on his page once in a while. But he’s now more focused on homographs as he aims to simplify these confusing English words for easy learning.
Source: Amazon | Website | Facebook